Tips For
Crosswalks can be marked or unmarked.
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Tips For
Follow the rules of the road.
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Tips For
Cross at an intersection or marked crosswalk.
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Tips For

Bicyclists sometimes need to use main traffic lanes, even if there’s a bicycle lane.
Tips For

Tips For

Driving: TIPS for a successful trip.
Give bicyclists at least 3 feet when passing in a private vehicle.
Give bicyclists at least 6 feet when passing in a commercial vehicle.
Stop and yield to pedestrians at crosswalks.
Driving: RIGHT-OF-WAY RULES to follow.
Motorists must stop and yield to pedestrians …
- at marked and unmarked crosswalks when a pedestrian is in a crosswalk and no pedestrian signal is present.
- if a pedestrian is crossing on the same half of the roadway as the vehicle.
- when emerging from an alley, driveway, or building.
- when turning at intersections.
- when turning at traffic signals, even if the light is green, unless turning with a green arrow.
Motorists, make note! Pedestrians have the right of way at…
- Signalized intersections when:
- the WALK sign is on.
- they are finishing their crossing on a flashing DON’T WALK or flashing red hand.
- they are crossing on a green signal in their direction of travel if no pedestrian crossing signal is present.
- Mid-block crosswalks.
- 4-way stop-controlled intersections.
Examples of Crosswalks
Crosswalks can be both marked and unmarked.
Unmarked crosswalks exist on all legs of a four-way intersection even if there is no traffic control in your direction of travel. Before crossing any street, look for an acceptable gap in traffic.

Driving: Rules for Bicyclists
Motorists, look for bicyclists…
- When turning and accurately judge their speed before making the turn.
- That may be traveling straight through an intersection in the opposite direction when turning left.
- On your right when turning right.
- On sidewalks when turning out of or into a driveway or intersection.
- And ensure a safe distance between you and bicyclists when passing. If possible, changing lanes may be the best option to provide safety and comfort to the bicyclist.
Tips for Biking
Use lights when riding at night.
White light on the front, red light
(or red reflector) on the rear of the bike.
Bicyclists have the same rights and responsibilities as a motor vehicle on Texas roadways.
Bicyclists should ride as far to the right-hand side of the street as possible, however, they may move from the right to:
- Avoid obstructions and uneven surfaces.
- Make a left turn.
Biking: Rules to Follow
- Use hand signals to indicate that you are changing lanes or turning.
- Check for traffic and pedestrians before making your turn.
- Stay alert for hazards on the roadways.
- If you need to leave the bicycle lane, use hand signals to give motorists time to react.
- If you must ride against traffic, use the sidewalk (if available) and be extra cautious at intersections and driveways.
- Give at least 3 feet of space between your bicycle and parked vehicles in case someone opens a car door into your path.
Tips for Walking
Cross at an intersection or marked crosswalk.
Follow crossing signals, when available.
Put away distractions and stay alert when walking.
Always look left and right before crossing.
Pedestrians have the right of way…
- when following crossing signals.
- at crosswalks and intersections where there is no traffic signal.
- at mid-block crosswalks.
- at 4-way stop intersections.
- when facing a “walk” signal to start crossing.
- when facing a flashing “DON’T WALK” when finishing crossing.
- when the signal light is green in their direction of travel if there are no pedestrian signals.
Pedestrians DO NOT have the right of way…
- between two intersections controlled by traffic signals unless there is a painted crosswalk.
- if a driver cannot stop in time to yield right of way.
- when the crossing signal shows a solid DON’T WALK or a red hand sign.
- Stay on the right half of the crosswalk when crossing.
- According to Texas Law, if there is no sidewalk available, you should walk on the left side of the road facing oncoming traffic unless the left side of the roadway or the shoulder of the highway facing oncoming traffic is obstructed or unsafe.
- DO NOT cross the street diagonally unless authorized by a traffic signal or sign.
- You are NOT allowed to walk on a roadway if a sidewalk is available.
Look both ways for approaching cars, even when you have the right of way.