To improve pedestrian safety near bus stops in Texas, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) funded a Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) project whose objective is to educate bus riders and motorists about the right-of-way laws. The purpose of this project was to identify roadway, environmental and traffic control characteristics near bus stops in major cities in Texas that have an over-representation of pedestrian crashes and identify risk factors associated with these crash types. These risk factors were then used to identify locations for educational efforts. Educational material that focus on state laws related to pedestrian safety were developed and distributed to passengers and motorists through tip cards, bus panels and social media messaging.
English | Español |
Driver Safety Tips Pedestrian Safety Tips | Consejos de Seguridad para Conductores Consejos de Seguridad para Peatones |
The educational materials are intended to be shared and used by others conducting bicycle and pedestrian safety efforts. If you have any questions or would like printed copies, please feel free to contact the project leads Srinivas Geedipally at [email protected] or Neal Johnson at [email protected].